Professional Development

Chris Celio, Psy.D.
Interim Training Director
If you have any questions related to Professional Development, including CEUs,and the Mental Health Consultation Training Institute, please utilize the Contact Us page to email or call Dr. Natasha Molony.

Program Evaluation & Research Opportunities at The Hume Center

At the The Hume Center we strive to incorporate learning into everything we do as well as provide the highest quality services to the communities we serve. To better achieve these goals, we have worked to build in an evaluation and research component into each of our programs. This allows us to have a better understanding of the program and each of the service elements we provide.

This training year, The Hume Center has further developed its department of Program Evaluation and Research. This department serves dual purposes within the agency, by providing evaluation of the structure and delivery of services provided by The Hume Center and facilitating research in general performed at the agency.

Beginning earlier this summer, we have created, implemented and analyzed a Burnout Survey inside the agency in order to assess for and address professional burnout at all levels of the organization. New methods of evaluating and tracking programs have also been implemented in both the School Based Program and the Integrated Intensive Community Outpatient Program. Existing data was gathered in the latter program and presented at an Alameda County Level II Providers Summit to showcase the successes and challenges that have been encountered.

Both short and long term plans exist for program evaluation to continue to be implemented across the agency in order to improve service delivery. In addition, facilities are being developed for individuals at all levels of the agency to perform original research based on the services we provide in order to contribute to the field of Psychology as a whole.

By: Brian Newton, MA
Program Evaluation & Research
October, 2012


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